Many people wonder if there is a need to buy a SIP phone or SIP server when they can get a free application that does it for them. While the answer is a definite "yes" it is important to note that you have to be careful. The free software is a very simplistic program and as such, many of its features may not be functioning correctly. In particular, it is very easy to get your Mac running slow after using the application. Fortunately, a free download of the public API for Siphon is available on the SoundSiphon website. If developers can capture Mac voice via their application with a simple API they are already quite familiar with as well as the standard CoreAudio APIs they are familiar with. From there, the developer needs to be able to make his application functional by adding new features and making changes to how the software functions.
The Mac is a complex computer. It is much harder for a new user of SIP to figure out how to go about getting this program working on their machine. The free software is no different than trying to figure out how to make the most of an Apple laptop. This is because they do not know how the system works. Some programs are too difficult for beginners, especially when it comes to recording and converting audio. This is because the Mac simply does not have the same capability as the Windows operating system does to record audio. If you are unsure whether or not you can figure out how to get your Mac running faster using this application, you may want to consider going with a paid version instead.
In order to find out if a SIP program is going to work for your Mac, you will first need to test it by using the free demo available on the website. You should see how easy it is to use as well as whether or not it is going to run properly with your Mac. If you don't have a Mac, there are also free downloads available that you can test out with to make sure your Mac is compatible with the program. With some simple steps, you will be able to get your Mac running as quickly as possible.